Alphabetical Dictionary
First letter
Entry Category
- -cu
- (b.nenoj xfik) intransitive verb marker, become, get, turn (into)
- abil na kari
- (b.oj) afford
- absorbiabil
- (t) absorbent
- acidihamir
- (b) sourdough
- adabukalya
- (t) impoliteness, rudeness
- adabunenfil
- (t) impolite, rude
- adhesiabil
- (t) adhesive, sticky
- adhesiente
- (b) adhesive
- adolabalaya
- (b) brawn
- adopsibyuro
- (b) adoption agency
- adresukitabu
- (b) address book
- adresulari
- (b) directory
- Afrikansesa
- (b) Afrikaans (language)
- Afrikanseyen
- (b) Afrikaner
- ahamible
- (t) understandable, comprehensible, intelligible; understandably, comprehensibly, intelligibly
- ahamnenible
- (t) incomprehensible; incomprehensibly
- akrobatili
- (t) acrobatic
- akrobatiyen
- (b) acrobat
- Aleksandro
- (su n) Alexander
- algoritmali
- (t) algorithmic; algorithmically
- alimlogili
- (t) pedagogic; pedagogically
- alkoholfilya
- (b) alcoholism
- alkoholfilyen
- (b) alcoholic (one who suffers from alcoholism)
- almasihalke
- (b) diamond ring
- alojensifil
- (t) heterosexual; heterosexually
- alopul kom
- (l) unlike
- aloyagiible
- (t) distinguishable; distinguishably
- alucinagiente
- (b) hallucinogen
- ambisinenfil
- (t) unambitious; unambitiously
- Amerikayen
- (b) North American, South American
- amusa
- (b.oro) amusement, entertainment, fun; amuse, entertain, have fun, feel amused, feel entertained
- amusaparke
- (b) amusement park
- analisifil
- (t) analytical; analytically
- analisiyen
- (b) analyst
- anarkiismo
- (b) anarchism
- anarkiista
- (b) anarchist
- antibaterili
- (t) anti-bacterial
- antibioente
- (b) antibiotic
- antidepresiente
- (b) antidepressant
- antigutonente
- (b) analgesic, analgaesic, painkiller, pain reliever
- Antigwa ji Barbuda
- (su n) Antigua and Barbuda
- antilegali
- (t) illegal; illegally
- antimonyum
- (b) antimony, Sb
- antivirusli
- (t) antiviral
- anwijayeza
- (b) consolation prize
- anwinenible
- (t) inconsolable; inconsolably
- apartamenlari
- (b) (apartment) complex
- aplika
- (b.oro) application; apply (bring or put into operation or practical use), be applicable (to)
- aplikaible
- (t) applicable, appliable; applicably, appliably
- arestoamiru
- (b) (arrest) warrant
- arestokamer
- (b) (prison) cell
- Argentinali
- (t) Argentine, Argentinian
- Argentinayen
- (b) Argentine, Argentinian
- arkiteturli
- (t) architectural; architecturally
- arkiteturyen
- (b) architect
- artefilyen
- (b) art lover
- artemahara
- (b) artistry
- artroitisli
- (t) arthritic
- askerilari
- (b) infantry
- asmankolordo
- (t) sky blue
- astamakrisis
- (b) asthma attack
- astratoxey
- (b) abstraction (count noun)
- asuransuli kontrata
- (b) insurance policy
- atomubomba
- (b) atom bomb, atomic bomb
- aventurfil
- (t) adventurous
- awcudunenible
- (t) unalienable; unalienably
- awgutonente
- (b) analgesic, analgaesic, painkiller, pain reliever
- awmotsutul
- (b) eraser
- awsenjenmin
- (b) alibi
- Awstralili
- (t) Australian
- Awstraliyen
- (b) Australian
- awtoahamible
- (t) self-evident
- awtomimbay
- (t) self-evident
- awtoritafil
- (t) authoritarian; authoritarianly
- awtoritapul
- (t) authoritative; authoritatively
- awtoritaya
- (b) authorization
- aynestaynyum
- (b) einsteinium, Es
- ayseeskeyti
- (b.nenoj) ice skating; ice skate
- Azerbayjan
- (su n) Azerbaijan
- Azerbayjanli
- (t) Azerbaijani
- Azerbayjansa
- (b) Azerbaijani (language), Azeri (language), Azeri Turkic
- Azerbayjanyen
- (b) Azerbaijani (person), Azeri (person)
- badammilko
- (b) almond milk
- Bahari Antartiko
- (b) Antarctic Ocean
- Bahari Artiko
- (b) Arctic Ocean, (the) Arctic
- Bahari Atlantiko
- (b) Atlantic Ocean, (the) Atlantic
- Bahari Hindiko
- (b) Indian Ocean, Indic Ocean
- Bahari Pacifiko
- (b) Pacific Ocean, (the) Pacific
- bahariestare
- (b) starfish, sea-star, Asteroidea
- baharikacupa
- (b) sea turtle, marine turtle, Chelonioidea
- baharilogi
- (b) oceanography
- Bahraynyen
- (b) Bahraini (person)
- balutajozi
- (b) acorn
- bananadrevo
- (b) banana tree
- Bangladexa
- (su n) Bangladesh
- bankabukatul
- (b) can opener
- bankomaxina
- (b) ATM
- banyokamer
- (b) bathroom
- banyokumax
- (b) towel
- Barbadoyen
- (b) Barbadian (person), Bajan (person)
- barbarixey
- (b) barbarism (count noun)
- barbariyen
- (b) barbarian
- bardimosem
- (b) winter
- barixababil
- (b) swift, Apodidae
- barixkalya
- (b) drought
- barixkatru
- (b) raindrop
- barixsokutu
- (b) rainfall
- basafilyen
- (b) language enthusiast, language lover, linguaphile
- basalogili
- (t) linguistic; linguistically
- basalogiyen
- (b) linguist
- basataytiyen
- (b) translator, interpretor
- basketobol
- (b) basketball
- batizaatre
- (b) godparent
- batizamatre
- (b) godmother
- batizapatre
- (b) godfather
- bawlukrasi
- (b) tyranny
- bawlukrasiyen
- (b) tyrant
- baxasmanli
- (t) outdoor, open-air
- baxbaharili
- (t) underwater, submarine
- baxexikili
- (t) subliminal; subliminally
- baxoreitis
- (b) mumps, parotits
- baxpresidiyen
- (b) vice president
- beadopsiyen
- (b) adopted child
- beadresuyen
- (b) addressee
- bearestoyen
- (b) arrestee
- beasuransuyen
- (b) insured party
- bebatizayen
- (b) baptizand
- bebinanyen
- (b) refugee
- befaydayen
- (b) beneficiary
- begoyonyen
- (b) employee
- beharemusi
- (t) indispensable; indispensablely
- Belinshawsen
- (su n) Bellingshausen
- bemedisyen
- (b) patient
- bexikaryen
- (b) game, prey
- beyongupul
- (t) useful; usefully
- bimaryendom
- (b) hospital
- biodoyanya
- (b) biodiversity
- biologiyen
- (b) biologist
- biomekanilogi
- (b) biomechanics
- biradomyen
- (b) bartender
- blokinenible
- (t) unblockable, unavoidable, unpreventable, inevitable; unblockably, unavoidably, unpreventably, inevitably
- bluebalena
- (b) blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus
- bonata
- (b.nenoj; il) welcome; be welcome; welcome
- bongeniismo
- (b) eugenics
- bonglu
- (b.nenoj; il) toast; (drink a) toast; cheers
- boninsanli
- (t) humane; humanely
- boninsansim
- (t) humane; humanely
- bonjiwa
- (b.nenoj; il) welfare; live well, be well; greetings (after long absence or separation)
- bonxansepul
- (t) fortunate, lucky; fortunately, luckily
- bortokaljusu
- (b) orange juice
- bortokalsui
- (b) orangeade
- Bosna ji Hertsegovina
- (su n) Bosnia and Herzegovina
- boyledo ovo
- (t) boiled egg
- Brazavilkongo
- (su n) Republic of the Congo
- Bulgariyen
- (b) Bulgarian (person)
- bumabilxey
- (b) explosive
- burdoydaydo
- (t) abused, mistreated
- burdoydayfil
- (t) abusive; abusively
- burdoydayne
- (t) abusive; abusively
- burfahuriya
- (b) arrogance
- burinforme
- (b.oj) disinformation; disinform
- burinsanli
- (t) inhuman, inhumane; inhumanely
- burinsansim
- (t) inhuman, inhumane; inhumanely
- burtrafiko
- (b) gridlock, traffic jam
- burxansepul
- (t) unfortunate; unfortunately
- burxohrapul
- (t) infamous
- caluneskeyti
- (b.nenoj) roller skating; roller skate
- calunkursi
- (b) wheel chair
- caredesyum
- (t) fortieth
- catioretul
- (b) stethoscope
- cel fronta
- (p) forward, forwards, ahead
- cel infracengu
- (p jm) downstairs
- cel supracengu
- (p jm) upstairs
- celidiible
- (t) reachable, attainable, accessible; attainably, accessibly
- celvokaible
- (t) invocable, which may be invoked; invocably
- cengubistar
- (b) bunk bed
- censorayen
- (b) censor
- centimetro
- (b) centimeter, centimetre
- Centroafrika
- (su n) Central African Republic
- centrolungoje
- (b) diameter, diametre
- ceramikaarte
- (b) ceramics
- ceramikali
- (t) ceramic
- ceramikaxey
- (b) ceramic (object)
- Cernagorali
- (t) Montenegrin
- Cernagorasa
- (b) Montenegrin (language)
- Cernagorayen
- (b) Montenegrin (person)
- Cewta ji Melila
- (su n) Ceuta and Melilla
- cidrasurka
- (b) apple cider vinegar
- cilindroli
- (t) cylindrical
- cinjuli gardanbendu
- (b) pearl necklace
- cipenkalya
- (b) honesty, sincerity
- cipenpulya
- (b) dishonesty
- cisjensili
- (t) cisgender
- cokolateli
- (t) (of) chocolate
- corifilyen
- (b) kleptomaniac
- cotebahari
- (b) low tide
- coxo
- (b.oj) mockery, ridicule, derision; mock, ridicule, deride, scoff (at), sneer (at), make fun (of)
- cungwodama
- (b) Chinese checkers
- cuyoanjilyen
- (b) archangel
- cuyoato fal
- (jm) starring
- cuyoatoyen
- (b) star (actor), protagonist
- dahabukolordo
- (t) gold, golden (color)
- dahunkabiji
- (b) kale
- dahunxirani
- (b) aphid, plant louse, Aphidoidea
- dambocu
- (b.nenoj) become thin, get thin, become slim, get slim, become slender, get slender, become lean, get lean
- damuli burtyan
- (b.oj) bloodstain
- danjupangwan
- (b) gallbladder
- dansegrafi
- (b.oj) choreography
- dansekamer
- (b) ballroom, dance room
- darmestatyum
- (b) darmstadtium, Ds
- darsukamer
- (b) classroom
- davafilyen
- (b) drug addict
- davaikawne
- (t) drug-addicted, addicted to drugs
- davaikawyen
- (b) drug addict
- daybardipul
- (t) freezing
- daybawlupul
- (t) brutal; brutally
- daycinonpul
- (t) brilliant, genius
- daycinonyen
- (b) genius
- daydenkwanti
- (t) so much
- daydenmo multi
- (t jm) so many, so much
- daydennumer
- (t) so many
- daygadibuya
- (b) fury, rage
- daykotorya
- (b) filth
- daykwantipul
- (t) abundant, plentiful; abundantly, plentifully
- daylubilaye
- (t) adorable; adorably
- daymo maxmo
- (m) much more
- daymo minmo
- (m) much less
- daymuhim
- (t) essential, crucial, critical, imperative, gravely important, greatly important, (of) grave importance, (of) great importance
- daynakunkal
- (t) clawless, achelate
- daysurprisa
- (b.oro) astonishment; astonish, feel astonished
- daysurprisane
- (t) astonishing
- daytermopul
- (t) hot, scorching
- daywatumon
- (b) era, epoch
- dayxaherli
- (t) metropolitan
- deklaradoku
- (b) declaration (official document), manifesto
- demoenketa
- (b) census
- demokrasili
- (t) democratic; democratically
- denloka hu
- (m) subordinate clause: where, wherever
- denmaner hu
- (l) like, in the way that
- denmo... kom...
- (m) as... as...
- denmo multi
- (t) so many, so much
- denpul kom
- (l) as, such as, like
- denseba hu
- (m) subordinate clause: why, how come
- dentabroxa
- (b) toothbrush
- dentadotor
- (b) dentist
- dentakrema
- (b) toothpaste
- dentamedis
- (b) dentistry
- dentamedisyen
- (b) dentist
- denwatu hu
- (l) subordinate clause: when, whenever
- departamen
- (b) department
- descaregon
- (b) tetradecagon, tetrakaidecagon, 14-gon
- descareple
- (t) quattuordecuple, fourteenfold
- descareyum
- (t) fourteenth
- deslimagon
- (b) pentadecagon, pentakaidecagon, 15-gon
- deslimaple
- (t) quindecuple, fifteenfold
- deslimayum
- (t) fifteenth
- dessabegon
- (b) heptadecagon, 17-gon
- dessabeple
- (t) septendecuple, seventeenfold
- dessabeyum
- (t) seventeenth
- dessisagon
- (b) hexadecagon, hexakaidecagon, 16-gon
- dessisaple
- (t) sexdecuple, sixteenfold
- dessisayum
- (t) sixteenth
- destigagon
- (b) tridecagon, triskaidecagon, 13-gon
- destigaple
- (t) tredecuple, thirteenfold
- destigayum
- (t) thirteenth
- destruifil
- (t) destructive, destructively
- destruiyen
- (b) destroyer
- dexafilyen
- (b) patriot
- dingyalexi
- (b) determiner
- diplomasiyen
- (b) diplomat
- diskrimina
- (b.oj) discrimination; discriminate (against)
- diskriminado
- (t) descriminated
- disprosyum
- (b) dysprosium, Dy
- ditatorkrasi
- (b) dictatorship, autocracy
- dodukuamiru
- (b) commandment
- dodukusahi
- (t) righteous; righteously
- dolantanne
- (t) wandering, roaming
- dolantanyen
- (b) wanderer, roamer
- Dominikana
- (su n) Dominican Republic
- Dongutimor
- (su n) East Timor, Timor-Leste
- doxoabilya
- (b) literacy
- doxonenabil
- (t) illiterate; illiterately
- doxonenabilya
- (b) illiteracy
- doxonenible
- (t) illegible; illegibly
- dragonfruta
- (b) dragon fruit, pitaya
- duabasayen
- (b) bilingual speaker
- duajensifil
- (t) bisexual; bisexually
- duajensifilya
- (b) bisexuality
- dualabyali
- (b) bilabial
- dumarali
- (t) occasional; at times, sometimes, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while
- dur moywatu
- (p jm) forever
- dwarfuplaneta
- (b) dwarf planet
- dwerhantatul
- (b) doorknob
- dyetalogiyen
- (b) dietitian
- dyexmaxina
- (b) dishwasher
- egaljacipul
- (t) equivalent; equivalently
- ehtiramfil
- (t) respectful; respectfully
- ejakulaxey
- (b) semen, ejaculate
- ekonomilogi
- (b) economics
- ekonomilogiyen
- (b) economist
- ekosistema
- (b) ecosystem
- Ekwadoryen
- (b) Ecuadorian
- Ekwatoragine
- (su n) Equatorial Guinea
- ekwatorali
- (t) equatorial; equatorially
- elastibendu
- (b) elastic
- eletrigitara
- (b) electric guitar
- eletrixoku
- (b.oj) (electric) shock, electrocution (not necessarily fatal); shock, taze, zap, electrify, electrocute
- eletroniya
- (b) electronics
- empati
- empathy
- enciklopedi
- (b) encyclopedia
- enciklopedili
- (t) encyclopedic; encyclopedically
- energikaxa
- (b) battery
- enfasispul
- (t) emphatic; emphatically
- epilepsili
- (t) epileptic
- ergofilyen
- (b) workaholic, hard worker
- ergouncutim
- (b) union, labor union, trade union
- eskandalpul
- (t) scandalous; scandalously
- eskeytitahta
- (b) skateboard
- eskeytiyen
- (b) skater
- eskizofreni
- (b) schizophrenia
- eskizofrenili
- (t) schizophrenic; schizophrenically
- eskizofreniyen
- (b) schizophrenic (person)
- eskrisistema
- (b) script, writing system
- eskritahta
- (b) whiteboard, blackboard, chalkboard
- eskulturdo
- (t) sculpted
- eskulturyen
- (b) sculptor
- Eslovakili
- (t) Slovak, Slovakian
- Eslovakisa
- (b) Slovak (language), Slovakian (language)
- Eslovakiyen
- (b) Slovak (person), Slovakian (person)
- Eslovenili
- (t) Slovene, Slovenian
- Eslovenisa
- (b) Slovene, Slovenian (language)
- Esloveniyen
- (b) Slovene, Slovenian (person)
- especifigi
- (b.oj) specify
- esportuyen
- (b) sportsperson, sportsman, sportswoman
- espreybotela
- (b) spray bottle
- esprintuyen
- (b) sprinter
- Esrilankali
- (t) Sri Lankan
- Esrilankayen
- (b) Sri Lankan
- establixey
- (b) establishment, institution, foundation
- estandarli
- (t) standard
- estarefruta
- (b) starfruit, carambola
- estarelari
- (b) asterism, constellation
- estatistili
- (t) statistic, statistical; statistically
- estimulado
- (t) stimulated, motivated
- estomotsufono
- (b) affricate
- estrategili
- (t) strategic; strategically
- estripeyen
- (b) stripper
- estrontyum
- (b) strontium, Sr
- estruturdo
- (t) structured
- estruturli
- (t) structural
- evoluli teori
- (b) theory of evolution
- exdunyayen
- (b) alien, extraterrestrial
- exeskeleto
- (b) exoskeleton
- Exkiperisa
- (b) Albanian (language)
- Exkiperiyen
- (b) Albanian (person)
- exnasyonli
- (t) foreign
- exordinari
- (t) extraordinary, exceptional
- fabrikadom
- (b) factory, plant
- fabrikayen
- (b) manufacturer
- fankobunhway
- (b) mudslide
- fantasisim
- (t) fantastic; fantastically
- fatmindoku
- (b) patent
- fe
- (p) at (time), at (unspecified place), in (time), for (for the first time, etc.), of (relating to, number, quantity, amount)
- fe alo kaso
- (p jm) otherwise, or else
- fe alo lexi
- (p jm) in other words
- fe alo loga
- (p jm) in other words
- (fe) ban leli watu
- (jm p) at some point in the past, once upon a time
- (fe) ban mara
- (jm p) on a certain occasion, once, once upon a time
- (fe) ban xali watu
- (jm p) at some point in the future, eventually
- fe basi fe
- (jm p) on the basis of
- fe bonxanse
- (p jm) luckily, fortunately
- fe byen de
- (jm p) at the edge of
- fe centro de
- (jm p) amid, in the middle of
- fe comen de
- (p) beside, next to
- fe den kaso
- (p jm) in that case, then
- (fe) dua mara
- (jm p) twice, two times
- (fe) duli mara
- (jm p) at times, sometimes, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while
- (fe) dumara
- (jm p) at times, sometimes, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while
- fe espesyalya
- (p jm) in particular, particularly, especially
- fe exkludi fe
- (jm p) excluding
- fe exya de
- (jm p) outside of
- fe folo ki
- (l) (such) that
- fe fronta de
- (p) in front of
- fe hataya fe
- (p) in spite of, despite
- fe hataya ki
- (l) (even) though, although, despite the fact that
- fe hin kaso
- (p jm) in this case
- (fe) hin noce
- (jm.p) tonight
- fe infracengu
- (p jm) downstairs
- fe inkludi fe
- (jm p) including
- fe intrewatu
- (p jm) in the meantime, meanwhile
- fe intreya
- (p jm) in between
- fe inya de
- (jm p) within, inside of
- fe kapi de
- (p) on top of
- fe kaso fe
- (jm p) in case of
- fe kolyo ki
- (jm l) considering that, whereas
- fe kompara fe
- (p) in comparison with, compared to, versus
- fe kompara ki
- (l) whereas
- fe kosa fe
- (p) because of, due to
- fe kosa ki
- (l) because, since
- fe maxusya
- (p jm) besides (phrase initial)
- fe midiya de
- (jm p) amid, in the middle of
- fe minusya
- (p jm) except for that (phrase initial)
- fe misu bage
- (p jm) for my part
- fe misu ijen
- (p jm) in my opinion
- fe moy kaso
- (p jm) in any case, at any rate, anyway
- fe muka de
- (jm p) across from
- (fe) ner leya
- (jm p) in the near past, recently
- (fe) ner or teli xaya
- (jm p) sooner or later, eventually
- (fe) ner xaya
- (jm p) in the near future, soon
- fe nerleli watu
- (p jm) lately
- (fe) nunli din
- (jm p) nowadays
- fe offolo fe
- (jm p) depending on
- fe okur fe
- (jm p) in case of, in the event of
- fe oposya de
- (p) opposite, contrary to, against (positioned)
- fe peda de
- (p) at the bottom of
- fe preferi kom
- (p jm) rather than
- fe ruke de
- (p) behind, in back of
- fe sesu bage
- (p jm) for one's part
- fe supracengu
- (p jm) upstairs
- fe tayti fe
- (jm p) instead (of), in place of, rather (than)
- fe tayti ki
- (l) instead of (+ sentence)
- fe tema fe
- (jm p) with regards to
- (fe) tiga mara
- (jm p) thrice
- fe totalya
- (p jm) in total, in all, overall
- fe ultraya
- (p jm) beyond
- (fe) un mara
- (jm p) once, one time
- femlilbete
- (b) granddaughter
- fempoemayen
- (b) poetess
- feodalismo
- (b) feudalism
- fermentado
- (t) fermented
- fidakolordo
- (t) silver (color)
- finfe nunya
- (p jm) so far, until now
- finili eksame
- (b) final exam
- finsabedin
- (b) weekend
- firarudoyen
- (b) escapee
- fleksiabil
- (t) flexible, can bend; flexibly
- fleksiabilya
- (b) flexibility, ability to bend
- fleksiible
- (t) bendable, can be bent; bendably
- fleksiibleya
- (b) flexibility, ability to be bent
- fleysinjabu
- (b) flying squirrel, Pteromyini
- fleytoralogi
- (b) aviation
- flirtifilyen
- (b) flirt
- flurakabiji
- (b) cauliflower
- fol gramati
- (p jm) grammatical; grammatically
- fol satumeter
- (p jm) clockwise
- folgramatili
- (t) grammatical; grammatically
- follexipul
- (t) literal; literally, word-for-word
- follogapul
- (t) alleged; allegedly
- folnormali
- (t) normal; normally
- folxanseli
- (t) random; randomly
- fori lefe na
- (p jm) immediately before (+ -ing)
- fori xafe na
- (p jm) immediately after (+ -ing)
- frontasahni
- (b) foreground
- furnoxeydukan
- (b) bakery
- gadolinyum
- (b) gadolinium, Gd
- gamiduayen
- (b) couple, spouses, husband and wife
- gamikalyen
- (b) bachelor, bachelorette
- gamivada
- (b.nenoj) engagement, betrothal; engage, become engaged, get engaged, betroth, become betrothed, get betrothed
- gamivadayen
- (b) fiancé, fiancée, betrothed
- gandumkompleto
- (t) whole wheat