(t; d)
See Correlatives.
Insan hu da xa doxo yusu xey fe xaya xa sen fe banmo sama halu kom insan of alo dexa hu da doxo to nundin.
Mi sen yakin ki yusu voka xankakal ultrapasa dento de plu alo piu, sama kom yusu figura.
- Englisa same
- Indonesisa sama
- Rusisa самая “samaya”
- Swahilisa sawa
- Swerisa samma
Derived Words:
he sama he samato menasama samaete samaijen samajensifil samajensifilya samakwanti samaloka samamaner samamenalexi samamenapul samamo samanumer samaoto samapul samaseba samasu samate samato samawatu [+]
Derived Words:
- samajensifil
- (t) homosexual, gay, lesbian; homosexually
- samajensifilya
- (b) homosexuality
- samakwanti
- (d) the same quantity (of), the same amount (of)
- samamenalexi
- (b) synonym
- samamenapul
- (t) synonynous
Rhyming Words not Ending in sama
aksyoma algoritma aloforma anima astama Bahama cungwodama dama daylama daymama dentakrema drama ekosistema emblema enzima eskrisistema estigma femuma firma fokma forma ganima guruma harufisistema homa hurma inama juniuma kama karisma karma kima klima koma krasisistema krema kurkuma lama lima logaritma lyama magma malforma mama manuma melodrama moama Myanma norma otima Panama pesima pijama plasma platforma poema postakima prisma problema programa puma rahema reforma reklama sintoma sistema tema token dua lima token lima trawma uma vyayama xama yatima [+]
Rhyming Words not Ending in sama
:- cungwodama
- (b) Chinese checkers
- dentakrema
- (b) toothpaste
- ekosistema
- (b) ecosystem
- eskrisistema
- (b) script, writing system
- harufisistema
- (b) spelling system, orthography
- krasisistema
- (b) regime
- token dua lima
- (b) twenty-five cent piece, quarter
- token lima
- (b) five cent piece, nickel