Derived Words:
abilgi absorbigi acidigi acumgi ahamgi alogi aloyagi aloyagiible alucinagiente amikugi andingi anjengi anjengili asangi ativogi awjuigi awtentigi balagi baxgi bimargi bonatagi bongi bumgitul burgi cambaygi censugi cibopulgi cisgi cotegi daifgi dambogi daygi demomorgi disgi dongwigi dostegi duregi especifigi exdexagi exergogi exgi fleygi fleygikef fleygiyen folgi frongi fukuzagi funsyongi gadibugi gamigi geomaxusgi gitaymorgi hahagi hahagine haregi hoxgi hurugi inergogi infragi infragiyen ingi jacigi jagegi jamegi jamegitora jixigi juigi julagi jumbigi kalgi kancergiente kancergine katinagi kimamingi kolonigi kompletogi labasgi likwidogi lilalogi lokagi malxengi maxamikugi maxbalagi maxbongi maxburgi maxcotegi maxdaifgi maxdambogi maxdaygi maxgi maxkurtogi maxlungogi maxusgi mehmangi mehmangiyen memorigi menagi mingi mingugi minusgi morgi morgine morgiyen musigi namegi nenabilgi nensehagiible niltogi nunligi nunligido ofgi okurgi pasgi pasivogi payagi pergi plugi populergi porgi poshurugi poskolonigi posyesengi pregi pulgi rahatugi realgi realgido rigi rujiwagi safegi sahigi sahigili santogi sehagi sengi sokutugi sukigi sungenkalgi supragi tongi tongilexi tongogi trankwilogi trankwilogitul trasgi trutigi trutigine tupyogi ungi ungido velosigi vinamragi vyayamagi weygi xafexengili xengi xorkonegi xunjangi yakingi yamgi yozaykalgi yunkigi fasidugi faydagi fosilgi garakugi gubarofgi gubarofgido gulamgi [+]
Derived Words:
- alogi
change; alter, (cause to) change, make different
- aloyagi
distinction, differentiation; differentiate, distinguish
- ativogi
activation; activate, turn on, switch on, power on
- awtentigi
authentication, certification, verification; authenticate, certify, verify
- cisgi
put on this side of, bring on this side of
- dambogi
make thin, make slim, make slender, make lean
- disgi
dispersion; disperse, spread, expand
- duregi
continuation, maintenance; continue, keep (on), maintain
- exgi
extraction; take out, extract
- fleygikef
pilot (in command), (airline) captain
- frongi
promotion, advancement; promote, foster, further, advance
- haregi
provide with, cause to have, get, grant, share
- hoxgi
make happy, please, be pleasing to
- hurugi
liberation, release, emancipation; liberate, free, release, emancipate
- infragi
oppression, subjugation; oppress, subdue, put below, lower
- jacigi
appreciation, validation, recognition, acknowledgment; value, appreciate, validate, recognize, acknowledge
- jixigi
notification, notice; let know, notify
- maxbongi
improvement, betterment; improve, (make) better
- maxdambogi
make thinner, make slimmer, make slenderer, make leaner
- mingi
decrease, reduction; decrease, reduce
- morgine
deadly, lethal, fatal, mortal, killing; lethally, mortally
- okurgi
commit (cause to happen, make happen)
- pasivogi
inactivate, make inactive, power off, switch off, turn off
- rujiwagi
resurrection, resuscitation, revival; revive, resurrect, resuscitate
- santogi
sanctify, hallow, make holy, make sacred
- sengi
cause to be, cause to become, turn (into), make (+ adj)
- sukigi
please, be pleasing to, appeal (to), be appealing (to)
- tongi
connection; join, connect, merge
- tongogi
connection, combination; join, connect, combine, merge
- trutigine
satisfying, satisfactory; satisfyingly, satisfactorily
- ungido
unified (in a state of unification)
- yakingi
assurance; assure, ensure, make sure, secure
Rhyming Words not Ending in -gi
alergi alimlogi baharilogi basalogi belgi biologi biomekanilogi cungi ekologi ekonomilogi energi estrategi fleytoralogi geologi georgi gigi hawanavilogi hewanlogi insanlogi jismulogi jixilogi klaselogi koncunlogi kosmologi lamabiologi lamalogi laoatrelogi legalogi lexilogi logi lutsemburgi mahilogi mekanilogi metallogi mikrobiologi minxilogi palalogi pesalogi piulogi plantalogi robotilogi semorgi sikologi sofilogi sonzaylogi sosyallogi sotilogi tenmunlogi teologi tigagonlogi tutumlogi [+]
Rhyming Words not Ending in -gi
- cungi
loyal, faithful, devoted; loyally, faithfully, devotedly
- gigi
vagina (non-clinical)
- legalogi
jurisprudence, science of law, philosophy of law, theory of law, law specialty
- logi
specialty, science (of), philosophy (of), study (of), art (of)
- semorgi
suicide; commit suicide, kill oneself, take one's life