at (time) , at (unspecified place) , in (time) , for (for the first time, etc.) , of (relating to, number, quantity, amount)
Mas tas maxori eskriyen, fe maxori mara, dento sen cele.
Denwatu hu yu eskri fe dekorapul maner cel na inxo insan, yu kosa ki ete maxpul ergo sol celki yu abil na kwasisen estilopul.
Derived Words:
(fe) ban leli watu (fe) ban mara (fe) ban xali watu (fe) dua mara (fe) duli mara (fe) dumara (fe) hin noce (fe) ner leya (fe) ner or teli xaya (fe) ner xaya (fe) nunli din (fe) tiga mara (fe) un mara awfe fe alo kaso fe alo lexi fe alo loga fe aresto fe asel fe asif fe basi fe basi fe fe baxya fe benji fe bonxanse fe byen de fe centro fe centro de fe comen fe comen de fe den kaso fe durya fe espesyalya fe exkludi fe fe exya fe exya de fe fato fe fini fe folo fe folo ki fe folya fe fronta fe fronta de fe geo fe gwaho fe hataya fe hataya fe fe hataya ki fe hin kaso fe infer fe infracengu fe inkludi fe fe intrewatu fe intreya fe inya fe inya de fe jadin fe jaya fe kapi fe kapi de fe kaso fe fe kolyo ki fe kompara fe fe kompara ki fe kosa fe fe kosa ki fe leya fe lutuf fe maxusya fe midiya fe midiya de fe minusya fe misal fe misu bage fe misu ijen fe moy kaso fe moyun fe muka fe muka de fe nerleli watu fe nunya fe offolo fe fe oko de fe okur fe fe onxala fe oposya fe oposya de fe peda fe peda de fe perya fe peti fe porya fe preferi kom fe rimara fe ruke fe ruke de fe sesu bage fe super fe supracengu fe tayti fe tayti fe fe tayti ki fe tema fe fe Teo fe totalya fe ultraya fe xaya fe xoru fe xugwan fe xukra feki feya finfe fori lefe fori lefe na fori xafe fori xafe na jalefe jalefe na jali fe jaxafe jaxafe na lefe lefe dento lefe na lefe or fe mas fe hataya ner fe ner lefe ner lefe na ner xafe ner xafe na teli fe teli lefe teli lefe na teli xafe teli xafe na xafe xafe dento xafe na xorfe xosu xafe xosu fe folo fe [+]
Derived Words:
- (fe) ban leli watu
- (jm p) at some point in the past, once upon a time
- (fe) ban mara
- (jm p) on a certain occasion, once, once upon a time
- (fe) ban xali watu
- (jm p) at some point in the future, eventually
- (fe) dua mara
- (jm p) twice, two times
- (fe) duli mara
- (jm p) at times, sometimes, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while
- (fe) dumara
- (jm p) at times, sometimes, occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while
- (fe) hin noce
- (jm.p) tonight
- (fe) ner leya
- (jm p) in the near past, recently
- (fe) ner or teli xaya
- (jm p) sooner or later, eventually
- (fe) ner xaya
- (jm p) in the near future, soon
- (fe) nunli din
- (jm p) nowadays
- (fe) tiga mara
- (jm p) thrice
- (fe) un mara
- (jm p) once, one time
- fe alo kaso
- (p jm) otherwise, or else
- fe alo lexi
- (p jm) in other words
- fe alo loga
- (p jm) in other words
- fe basi fe
- (jm p) on the basis of
- fe bonxanse
- (p jm) luckily, fortunately
- fe byen de
- (jm p) at the edge of
- fe centro de
- (jm p) amid, in the middle of
- fe comen de
- (p) beside, next to
- fe den kaso
- (p jm) in that case, then
- fe espesyalya
- (p jm) in particular, particularly, especially
- fe exkludi fe
- (jm p) excluding
- fe exya de
- (jm p) outside of
- fe folo ki
- (l) (such) that
- fe fronta de
- (p) in front of
- fe hataya fe
- (p) in spite of, despite
- fe hataya ki
- (l) (even) though, although, while, despite the fact that
- fe hin kaso
- (p jm) in this case
- fe infracengu
- (p jm) downstairs
- fe inkludi fe
- (jm p) including
- fe intrewatu
- (p jm) in the meantime, meanwhile
- fe intreya
- (p jm) in between
- fe inya de
- (jm p) within, inside of
- fe kapi de
- (p) on top of
- fe kaso fe
- (jm p) in case of
- fe kolyo ki
- (jm l) considering that, whereas
- fe kompara fe
- (p) in comparison with, compared to, versus
- fe kompara ki
- (l) whereas
- fe kosa fe
- (p) because of, due to
- fe kosa ki
- (l) because, since, for
- fe maxusya
- (p jm) besides (phrase initial)
- fe midiya de
- (jm p) amid, in the middle of
- fe minusya
- (p jm) except for that (phrase initial)
- fe misu bage
- (p jm) for my part
- fe misu ijen
- (p jm) in my opinion
- fe moy kaso
- (p jm) in any case, at any rate, anyway
- fe muka de
- (jm p) across from
- fe nerleli watu
- (p jm) lately
- fe offolo fe
- (jm p) depending on
- fe okur fe
- (jm p) in case of, in the event of
- fe oposya de
- (p) opposite, contrary to, against (positioned)
- fe peda de
- (p) at the bottom of
- fe preferi kom
- (p jm) rather than
- fe ruke de
- (p) behind, in back of
- fe sesu bage
- (p jm) for one's part
- fe supracengu
- (p jm) upstairs
- fe tayti fe
- (jm p) instead (of), in place of, rather (than)
- fe tayti ki
- (l) instead of (+ sentence)
- fe tema fe
- (jm p) with regards to
- fe totalya
- (p jm) in total, in all, overall
- fe ultraya
- (p jm) beyond
- fori lefe na
- (p jm) immediately before (+ -ing)
- fori xafe na
- (p jm) immediately after (+ -ing)
- lefe dento
- (p jm) beforehand, previously
- lefe or fe
- (p) by, on or before
- mas fe hataya
- (l jm) and yet, but nevertheless
- ner lefe na
- (p jm) shortly before (+ -ing)
- ner xafe na
- (p jm) soon after (+ -ing)
- teli lefe na
- (p jm) long before (+ -ing)
- teli xafe na
- (p jm) long after (+ -ing)
- xafe dento
- (p jm) later (after that), afterwards, (and) then
- xosu xafe xosu
- (jm) little by little
- fe folo fe
- () as a consequence of, as a result of