- absurdo
absurd, ridiculous, preposterous; absurdly, ridiculously, preposterously
- amaro
bitter (taste); bitterly
- basi
basis, base, foundation; base, is based
- bon
good, well, fine, positive; well, positively
- bronki
bronchus, bronchial tube
- entona
intonation, inflection; intone, inflect
- fale
deed, act; do, does, make, perform
- fasi
fascist; fascistly
- ible
possible, potential, which can be done, which can happen; maybe, perhaps, might, possibly, potentially
- komploto
conspiracy, plot, scheme; conspire (to), plot
- konte
count, countess, earl
- kopa
glass, tumbler, cup, mug (any drinking vessel other than bottles)
- kostrui
construction, building; construct, build
- morfo
morphology (biological or linguistic form and structure), inflection, conjugation, declension; inflect, conjugate, decline
- organo
organ (part of body or organization)
- pimento
pepper (bell pepper, chili pepper)
- preciso
exact, precise, accurate; exactly, precisely, accurately
- prostesi
prosthesis, prosthetic device, prosthetic limb
- pupa
pupa, pupe, chrysalis, tumbler
- senyor
gentleman, lady, sir, mam, Mr., Mrs.
- sim
similar, alike, like
- trapesi
trapezium, trapezoid (two parallel sides)
- xerca
search; seek, look for, search for
- zukini
zucchini, courgette, baby marrow, Cucurbita pepo