Vocabulary List: medis
medicine (science, practice); treat (practice medicine on)
- bembi
constipation; constipate, get constipated
- dose
dose, dosage; dose
- dotor
doctor (PhD), physician
- guton
pain, ache; ache, hurt (feel or cause pain)
- ishal
diarrhea; have diarrhea, suffer from diarrhea
- itis
inflammation; inflame, be or feel inflamed
- jeksi
injection, drawing; inject, draw
- jogay
handicap, disability, impediment, impairment, disorder
- juruha
wound, injury; wound, injure, get wounded, get injured
- krampe
contraction, convulsion, seizure, spasm, cramp, twitch; contract, convulse, spasm, twitch, cramp
- nunar
mole, birthmark, nevus
- paranoy
paranoia; be paranoid, feel paranoia; cause (somebody) to be paranoid, make (somebody) paranoid
- prostesi
prosthesis, prosthetic device, prosthetic limb
- seha
healthy; healthily
- tawni
plague, infestation, pestilence; infest, plague
- terapi
therapy, treatment; treat (with therapy)