Ban din, ete oko yesen umalari hu da daypawbu fe jowey, ji fe real paniko, moy kargux awajela cel ner hosu, kararpul na garaku fe tayti fe na jiwa in denmo fobipul dujotay.
Ete loga soho, “Am ata, imi am fale ituka, ji imi atex oto finfe na sen jumbi.” Ete hare ituka fe tayti fe petra, ji ete yongu taru fe tayti fe milatu.
Derived Words:
basatayti basataytiyen fe tayti fe tayti fe fe tayti ki [+]
Derived Words:
- basataytiyen
- (b) translator, interpretor
- fe tayti fe
- (jm p) instead (of), in place of, rather (than)
- fe tayti ki
- (l) instead of (+ sentence)
Rhyming Words not Ending in tayti
acidiroti akrobati alokwanti anti aprikoti aritmeti atleti awjeti awtenti awti awtomati ayseeskeyti bankwanti barati bayti benti bideti biskiti biti boykoti briti bufeti bursoti caluneskeyti cati centi colosoti daybriti daydenkwanti daydenmo_multi daykwanti daypeti daysoti denkwanti elasti empati eskeyti eskirti eskwati esloti espageti estatisti esti fe_peti femnepoti flirti futi garanti gimnasti grafiti gramati gujarati guti hayti hinkwanti imarati infrajeti jeti jibuti karduli_basatayti kekwanti kelti kerati kibiriti kiribati konfeti kuweyti kuxti kwanti lifti lileskirti mafupeti manati mannepoti matemati milkoproduti moykwanti multi muxti nepoti nilkwanti paketi parti peti podikasti politi poslifti posti printi produti reporti rewmati roboti roketi roti rusoti samakwanti sarjenti sati seleti simpati somuroti soti sovyeti submiti titi tostaroti truti vicenti volti wati xanti xarti [+]
Rhyming Words not Ending in tayti
:- ayseeskeyti
- (b.oj.ru) ice skating; ice skate
- caluneskeyti
- (b.oj.ru) roller skating; roller skate
- daydenkwanti
- (t) so much
- daydenmo_multi
- (t jm) so many, so much
- karduli_basatayti
- (b) calque, loan translation
- lileskirti
- (b) miniskirt
- milkoproduti
- (b) dairy
- samakwanti
- (d) the same quantity (of), the same amount (of)