- ababil
swallow (bird), martin, Hirundinidae
- abyasa
rehearsal, practice; practice, rehearse
- afatu
disaster, catastrophe, calamity
- ajabu
strange, weird, odd, peculiar; strangely, weirdly, oddly, peculiarly
- akran
scorpion, Scorpiones
- alim
instruction, teaching; teach, instruct
- anima
animation, anime, cartoon; animate
- antena
antenna (device), aerial
- antru
intestine, bowel, guts
- atex
fire; burn (be on fire, be consumed by fire, destroy with fire), light (with fire)
- awti
autistic; autistically
- bage
artificially divided: part, portion, piece, section; cut (up), portion, allocate
- bala
strong; strongly
- bangura
fragile, delicate, brittle, frail, tender
- barbari
barbaric, barbarian, barbarous; barbarically
- basa
language; communicate via language
- bazu
hawk, Accipitridae
- bendu
tape, band, strip, strap, ribbon
- bete
daughter, son, child, children
- binde
binding; tie, bind, fasten (together)
- biti
bit (unit of information)
- boloku
block (approximately cuboid or rectangular object or group), bloc
- bronki
bronchus, bronchial tube
- bur
bad, evil, negative; badly, evilly, negatively
- ceke
(bank) check, cheque
- centi
10^-2, one hundredth of, percent of
- ceri
cherry, ball (testicle, vulgar)
- ci
denotes endearment or affection
- ciru
tear, rip, rend; tear, rip, rend
- cita
cheetah, Acinonyx
- civil
civil (non-miliatry, non-religious); civilly
- dakwa
lawsuit; sue, file a lawsuit, prosecute, indict
- daraki
crack, fissure, crevice, split, slit, rift, cleft; crack
- delta
delta (letter, geography)
- dotor
doctor (PhD), physician
- dumbu
posterior, buttocks, butt, hindquarters, heinie, bottom, pygo-
- ewreka
discovery, find, finding; discover, find, locate
- exku
(romantic) love, romance; love (romantically)
- fahex
vulgar, crude, uncouth, obscene; vulgarly, crudely, uncouthly, obscenely
- faku
fuck; fuck, shag, (have) sex (vulgar)
- fasi
fascist; fascistly
- faylu
file (collection of paper or data); file
- fisu
fee, fare, due, toll, honorarium
- flura
flower, vagina (sexualized), vulva (sexualized), pussy; bloom, blossom
- fokus
focus, concentration; focus, concentrate
- fon
-phone, sound tool
- foto
photo, photograph, picture; photograph, take a picture, take pictures
- fremu
frame (of film, video, animation)
- ganima
booty, loot, spoils; pillage, plunder, ransack, foray, maraud
- gas
gas; cause to turn gaseous; become gaseous
- glasu
glass (drinking), cup
- glif
glyph, (written) character, symbol, mark
- gotas
dive, plunge, submerge; dive, plunge, submerge
- gucam
bunch, cluster, bouquet
- harabu
ruin, waste, wreck; ruin, wreck, spoil, desolate, devastate, get ruined, get wrecked, get spoiled, get devastated
- hasratu
yearning, longing, pining, craving, aspiration; yearn (for), long (for), thirst (for), pine (for), crave, aspire (to)
- hasratu
yearning, longing, pining, craving, aspiration; yearn (for), long (for), thirst (for), pine (for), crave, aspire (to)
- hatari
danger; be dangerous, cause to be dangerous, make dangerous
- havun
mortar (pounding vessel)
- he
emphatic correlative particle, any, ever, at all
- hiku
hiccup, hiccough, singultus; hiccup, hiccough
- hilal
crescent (moon/shape)
- hole
sheath, sleeve, shell, casing, holster, holder
- hox
happy, happily, joyful, joyfully
- hoza
sink, basin, pelvis
- huhu
owl, Strigiformes
- hulasa
summary, synopsis, résumé, abstract, précis; summarize, sum up, recapitulate
- hura
(b.oj; il)
cheer; cheer (on), root (for); hooray, hurrah, hoorah, yay, woo-hoo
- ixara
sign, signal, indication; signal, indicate, point (to), sign (language)
- jaribi
experiment, trial; experiment, test, sample, try (on), try (out)
- jawabu
answer, reply, response; answer, reply, respond
- jaxne
celebration, observance; celebrate, observe
- jeksi
injection, drawing; inject, draw
- jine
gin, genever, jenever
- jirin
jingle, clink, tinkle; jingle, clink, tinkle
- joxu
enthusiasm, excitement, zeal; enthuse, excite, feel enthused, feel excited
- jula
apart, separate; separately
- kakoku
cuckoo (bird), Cuculiformes
- kam
yes/no question particle, or, or whether
- kanon
canon (literature, religion)
- kari
purchase; buy, purchase, shop
- kasava
cassava, manioc, yuca, Manihot esculenta
- katina
difficult, hard, tough; difficultly
- kawri
cowrie, cowry, Cypraeidae
- kelne
tick (arachnid), Ixodida
- kima
price, fee, cost, rate; cost
- kiwi
kiwi, Apterygidae (bird)
- klasiko
classic, classical; clasically
- klixe
cliché, hackney, stereotype
- koala
koala, Phascolarctidae
- koka
coca, Erythroxylum
- kola
cola (drink, tree, nut)
- komun
communal; in common, communally
- konte
count, countess, earl
- kopa
glass, tumbler, cup, mug (any drinking vessel other than bottles)
- korku
cork (material), phellem
- kraw
crow, raven, Corvus
- ku
interrogative clauses in declarative sentences
- kufi
enough, sufficient; sufficiently
- kuki
HTTP cookie, browser cookie, web cookie, Internet cookie, cookie (computer)
- kuku
chicken, hen, rooster, Gallus
- kumari
gambling, bet, wager; gamble, bet, wager
- kunde
dull, blunt; dully, bluntly
- kyamatu
apocalypse, armageddon, doomsday, eschaton
- labas
clothing, clothes, garment; wear
- label
label, tag, tab; label, tag, tab
- lici
lychee, litchi (fruit)
- linku
connection, link, bond; connect, link
- lori
truck, lorry, camion
- mafu
forgiveness; forgive, excuse
- majam
marrow, medulla, pith
- mandarin
mandarin (orange), Citrus reticulata
- medan
field, range, court, courtyard, yard, patio
- melon
melon, tit (breast, vulgar)
- meme
sheep, Ovis aries
- mesaje
message, text (message); (send) message, (send) text
- mikro
10^-6, one millionth of, micro-
- mili
10^-3, one thousandth of
- mina
mine (explosive)
- moama
enigma, riddle, puzzle
- mobil
car, auto, automobile
- mohamad
(su n)
Mohammed, Muhammad, Mohamed, Mohammad, Muhamad
- muhim
important, serious, significant; importantly, seriously, significantly
- mumu
cattle, bull, cow, Bos
- musu
elk, moose, Alces
- muswada
draft, sketch, outline; draft, sketch, outline
- na
to (infinitive marker)
- nafil
navel, umbilicus, belly button
- nakun
nail (anatomy), fingernail, toenail
- name
name; have as name, be named, be called
- narem
soft, tender, gentle; softly, tenderly, gently
- nasibu
fit; fit, be fitting (for), suit, be suitable (for)
- nimatu
(religious) favor, grace
- no
no, not, don't, do not, doesn't, does not
- ofisi
office, position, post
- ogar
home, dwelling; live in, inhabit; reside (in), dwell (in), live (in)
- organo
organ (part of body or organization)
- pare
priest, pastor; Father
- paypu
pipe (tube), conduit
- per
on, upon, over, aboard
- piko
10^-12, one trillionth of
- pipa
(smoking) pipe, tobacco pipe
- plagu
plug, stopper, bung, cork, (electrical) plug, connector; plug, stop (up), plug (in)
- pley
playback; play (video, music, button)
- polixo
polish, shine, wax, buff; polish, shine, wax, buff, furbish, burnish
- popu
pop (music, culture)
- porno
porn, porno, pornography
- puma
cougar, mountain lion, catamount, puma
- punku
punk (genre, subculture)
- pupa
pupa, pupe, chrysalis, tumbler
- pure
puree, purée, mash, mush; puree, grind, smash
- ranko
rank, grade, standing, place, position
- sahay
help, aid, assistance, support; help, aid, assist, support
- sahi
correct, right, accurate; correctly, accurately
- sahte
hard, stiff, rigid, firm, tough, rough; rigidly, firmly, toughly, roughly
- sati
true; indeed, truly
- seba
reason (cause or purpose)
- seha
healthy; healthily
- sekso
sex, sexual intercourse; have sex (with), mate (with)
- sela
flood, deluge, inundation; flood, inundate
- setin
setting, adjustment; set, adjust
- sifa
characteristic, feature, quality, property, attribute, aspect
- sitafel
soursop, custard apple, guanabana, annona
- soda
soda, pop, carbonated drink
- soseji
sausage, cock (penis, obscene)
- soya
soy, soybean, soya bean
- submiti
submission; submit (a proposal, application, or other document for consideration), file, present
- sumbole
ear (of corn, grain, etc), head, spike
- super
superiority, aboveness
- suprem
supreme, supremely, greatest (possible), extreme, extremely; excellent, excellently, cool (informal)
- sura
sun (any star in a planetary system)
- swal
question; ask (pose a question)
- tafasir
interpretation, rendering, performance; interpret, render, perform
- tair
(pneumatic) tire, tyre
- tarki
turkey (bird), Meleagris
- tawa
pan, frying pan, frypan, skillet
- tawni
plague, infestation, pestilence; infest, plague
- televisi
television (broadcast system or device); televise
- teli
far, remote, distant; remotely, distantly
- tera
10^12, trillion, one trillion, tera-, T
- terapi
therapy, treatment; treat (with therapy)
- terminal
terminal (airport, computer, etc.)
- token
token, (game) chip, counter
- tosta
toasting, roasting; toast, roast
- tramu
tramway, tram, trolley
- trol
troll (fantasy, internet); troll
- tufan
hurricane, typhoon, cyclone
- tukan
toucan, Ramphastidae
- ufue
(b.oro; il)
disgust, repugnance; feel disgust, be disgusted, be grossed out, (cause) disgust, gross out; ew, yuck, ugh
- usta
expert, experienced; expertly
- vada
promise, pledge; promise, pledge
- vakasi
vacation, holiday; take a vacation, go on holiday
- vaki
heron, egret, bittern, Ardeidae
- vinamra
humble, modest; humbly, modestly
- wahyu
revelation, apocalypse
- wao
(b.oro; il)
amazement, awe, wonder; amaze, wow, feel amazed, feel wowed
- wasabi
wasabi, Eutrema japonicum
- weda
(b.oj; il)
farewell, bye, goodbye; bid farewell (to), say bye (to), say goodbye (to); farewell, bye, goodbye
- xahin
falcon, Falconiformes
- xahin
falcon, Falconiformes
- xarke
shark, Selachimorpha
- xarti
condition, stipulation, term
- xehi
brag, boast; brag (about), boast (about)
- xoru
beginning, start, initiation; begin, start, initiate
- xow
show, spectacle, performance; perform
- yakin
sure, certain; surely, certainly
- yaku
yak, Bos grunniens
- zabatu
confiscation, expropriation, forfeiture, seizure; confiscate, expropriate, seize, forfeit, sequestrate, commandeer
- zira
cumin, Cuminum cyminum
- furi
furry (of or related to the furry subculture)