- absurdo
absurd, ridiculous, preposterous; absurdly, ridiculously, preposterously
- adabu
politeness, courtesy
- adil
fair, just; fairly, justly
- aham
(b.oj; il)
comprehension, understanding; understand, comprehend; I see, understood
- aksyoma
axiom, postulate, assumption
- aksyon
action, activity, performance; act, take action, behave, perform
- alo
(t; d)
other, another, a different
- ambisi
ambition; make (somebody) ambitious; be ambitious, aspire
- anima
animation, anime, cartoon; animate
- anjil
gospel, evangel, divine message
- antena
antenna (device), aerial
- ativo
active, on; actively
- ato
act, performance; act, play a role
- awtenti
authentic, genuine; authentically, genuinely
- awti
autistic; autistically
- awtonom
autonomous; autonomously, by itself
- ay
ouch, ah (denotes pain or fear)
- bage
artificially divided: part, portion, piece, section; cut (up), portion, allocate
- balangu
grasshopper, locust, Caelifera, Acridomorpha
- barbari
barbaric, barbarian, barbarous; barbarically
- basa
language; communicate via language
- basi
basis, base, foundation; base, is based
- bax
under, beneath, below
- bebe
baby, child (informal for daughter, son)
- biti
bit (unit of information)
- bloki
blocking, obstruction, prevention; block, obstruct, prevent, avoid
- bobo
dumb, stupid, foolish; dumbly, stupidly, foolishly
- bol
ball, testicle (sexualized)
- boloku
block (approximately cuboid or rectangular object or group), bloc
- bronki
bronchus, bronchial tube
- bur
bad, evil, negative; badly, evilly, negatively
- canterel
chanterelle, girolle, Cantharellus
- ceke
(bank) check, cheque
- centi
10^-2, one hundredth of, percent of
- ceri
cherry, ball (testicle, vulgar)
- cita
cheetah, Acinonyx
- civil
civil (non-miliatry, non-religious); civilly
- dakwa
lawsuit; sue, file a lawsuit, prosecute, indict
- dama
checkers, draughts
- daraje
degree, grade, level, extent
- dari
digit (finger or toe)
- delta
delta (letter, geography)
- demo
(the) public, (a) people, peoples, population
- dila
dill, anet, Anethum graveolens
- dose
dose, dosage; dose
- dotor
doctor (PhD), physician
- ebatal
cancellation, annulment, nullification; cancel, annul, nullify
- egal
equal, even; equally, evenly
- enketa
survey, questionnaire, inquiry; survey, inquire
- ente
(inanimate) agent
- entona
intonation, inflection; intone, inflect
- especifi
specific, particular; specifically, particularly
- espesyal
special, particular; especially, particularly
- estimula
stimulus, motivation; stimulate, motivate, feel stimulated, feel motivated
- etno
ethnicity, ethnic group
- fale
deed, act; do, does, make, perform
- fasi
fascist; fascistly
- faylu
file (collection of paper or data); file
- fiksa
fixing, affixing, attaching; fix, affix, attach
- firma
company, firm, corporation
- fisyo
physiology, bodily functioning
- fobi
fear; frighten, scare, feel frightened, feel scared
- fokus
focus, concentration; focus, concentrate
- fon
-phone, sound tool
- foto
photo, photograph, picture; photograph, take a picture, take pictures
- funsyon
functioning; work, function, be in operating condition
- gaga
stutter, stammer; stutter, stammer
- gas
gas; cause to turn gaseous; become gaseous
- gibatu
slander, libel, calumny, defamation; backbite, badmouth, slander, libel, calumnize, defame
- gipsu
gypsum, plaster (of Paris)
- glasu
glass (drinking), cup
- glif
glyph, (written) character, symbol, mark
- gol
goal (soccer, football), score, touchdown; score
- hasratu
yearning, longing, pining, craving, aspiration; yearn (for), long (for), thirst (for), pine (for), crave, aspire (to)
- hedro
geometric face, -hedron
- hikaye
story, narrative, tale; narrate, relate, recount
- hiku
hiccup, hiccough, singultus; hiccup, hiccough
- hilal
crescent (moon/shape)
- hotuba
sermon, speech, oration; preach, give a speech
- huhu
owl, Strigiformes
- hura
(b.oj; il)
cheer; cheer (on), root (for); hooray, hurrah, hoorah, yay, woo-hoo
- hyanatu
treason, betrayal; betray, commit treason
- ikono
icon (religious, popular, computing)
- insan
human (being), people
- itis
inflammation; inflame, be or feel inflamed
- ixara
sign, signal, indication; signal, indicate, point (to), sign (language)
- izin
permission; allow, let, permit
- jadala
braid, plait; braid, plait, weave, knit
- jawabu
answer, reply, response; answer, reply, respond
- jeksi
injection, drawing; inject, draw
- jine
gin, genever, jenever
- kakoku
cuckoo (bird), Cuculiformes
- kamomil
chamomile, camomile, Asteraceae
- kanon
canon (literature, religion)
- karoca
roach, cockroach, Blattodea
- karusel
merry-go-round, carousel, roundabout
- kef
boss, chief, head, master
- kexru
shell (of a nut), crust, bark, peel, rind, hull, husk, cortex
- kima
price, fee, cost, rate; cost
- kiwi
kiwi, Apterygidae (bird)
- klase
class, category; classify, categorize
- klasiko
classic, classical; clasically
- klixe
cliché, hackney, stereotype
- koala
koala, Phascolarctidae
- koka
coca, Erythroxylum
- kola
cola (drink, tree, nut)
- kompleto
complete, absolute, whole; completely, absolutely, wholly
- komploto
conspiracy, plot, scheme; conspire (to), plot
- komputa
computation, calculation; compute, calculate
- komun
communal; in common, communally
- krampe
contraction, convulsion, seizure, spasm, cramp, twitch; contract, convulse, spasm, twitch, cramp
- krasi
government, rule, control; govern, rule, control
- kraw
crow, raven, Corvus
- kraw
crow, raven, Corvus
- krea
creation; create, make, generate
- kroa
frog, toad, Anura
- kube
vault, dome, cupola
- kuki
HTTP cookie, browser cookie, web cookie, Internet cookie, cookie (computer)
- kuku
chicken, hen, rooster, Gallus
- kyamatu
apocalypse, armageddon, doomsday, eschaton
- label
label, tag, tab; label, tag, tab
- lanetu
condemnation, damnation; condemn, sentence, damn, doom
- lavenda
lavender (flower), Lavandula
- lici
lychee, litchi (fruit)
- likwido
liquid, fluid; liquify, liquefy (turn or become liquid)
- loga
statement, utterance; say, tell, state, utter
- logi
specialty, science (of), philosophy (of), study (of), art (of)
- loka
location, place, site, position; be located, be found, be situated
- lotus
lotus, sacred lotus, Indian lotus, Nelumbo
- mafu
forgiveness; forgive, excuse
- mal
wrong, incorrect, mistaken; wrongly; incorrectly, mistakenly
- mansi
divination; divine, foretell, foresee
- maximum
maximum, maximal, as much as possible, as much (of something) as possible; at most, no more than
- maxori
most, mostly, the majority of, largely, for the most part
- medan
field, range, court, courtyard, yard, patio
- melon
melon, tit (breast, vulgar)
- meme
sheep, Ovis aries
- memori
memory, recollection; remember, recall
- mikro
10^-6, one millionth of, micro-
- mili
10^-3, one thousandth of
- milki
(landed) property, (real) estate
- minimum
minimum, minimal, as little as possible, as little (of something) as possible; at least, no fewer than, no less than
- mobil
car, auto, automobile
- moda
fashion, trend, fad, mode
- mohamad
(su n)
Mohammed, Muhammad, Mohamed, Mohammad, Muhamad
- moni
checking, monitoring, examination, inspection; check, monitor, examine, inspect
- morfo
morphology (biological or linguistic form and structure), inflection, conjugation, declension; inflect, conjugate, decline
- motif
motif, leitmotif, pattern
- mumu
cattle, bull, cow, Bos
- musi
(t; f.sah)
which must, obligated, supposed (to); must, have (to)
- naive
naive, naïve, ingenuous, innocent, artless, simple; naively, ingenuously, innocently, artlessly, simply
- name
name; have as name, be named, be called
- nimatu
(religious) favor, grace
- nota
note; take notes, note (down)
- oposum
opossum, Didelphimorphia
- organo
organ (part of body or organization)
- orto
right, upright, erect
- otima
optimal, optimum, best possible, awesome (informal)
- palme
palm (tree), Arecaceae
- paranoy
paranoia; be paranoid, feel paranoia; cause (somebody) to be paranoid, make (somebody) paranoid
- pasa
passage, passing; pass, go by (time or space), spend (time)
- payeta
sequin, glitter, spangle, paillette
- paypu
pipe (tube), conduit
- perfora
perforation, orifice, hole; perforate, puncture
- pesima
worst possible, lame (informal)
- peti
request; request, ask (for), order
- piko
10^-12, one trillionth of
- pipa
(smoking) pipe, tobacco pipe
- polixo
polish, shine, wax, buff; polish, shine, wax, buff, furbish, burnish
- popi
poppy, Papaveraceae
- porno
porn, porno, pornography
- preciso
exact, precise, accurate; exactly, precisely, accurately
- prostesi
prosthesis, prosthetic device, prosthetic limb
- puma
cougar, mountain lion, catamount, puma
- punku
punk (genre, subculture)
- pupa
pupa, pupe, chrysalis, tumbler
- rahibu
monk, nun, brother, sister, cloisterer
- rasona
reason (logical thought), reasoning; reason
- regula
rule, regulation, policy
- reklama
ad, advertisement, commercial; advertise
- resmi
formal, official; formally, officially
- risko
risk; risk, take risks, take a chance
- salom
(b.oj; il)
greeting, hi, hello; greet, say hi (to), say hello (to); greetings, hi, hello
- seba
reason (cause or purpose)
- seha
healthy; healthily
- sekso
sex, sexual intercourse; have sex (with), mate (with)
- seleti
choice, selection, election; choose, select, elect, pick
- sifa
characteristic, feature, quality, property, attribute, aspect
- soda
soda, pop, carbonated drink
- sodar
sibling, brother, sister
- soseji
sausage, cock (penis, obscene)
- sumbole
ear (of corn, grain, etc), head, spike
- suna
artificial, man-made; artificially
- super
superiority, aboveness
- sura
sun (any star in a planetary system)
- suratu
letter (written message)
- swal
question; ask (pose a question)
- tafasir
interpretation, rendering, performance; interpret, render, perform
- talento
talent, aptitute, knack; be talented, cause to be talented, make talented
- tamlam
greed, avarice, cupidity, covetousness; covet
- tarahon
tarragon, estragon, Artemisia dracunculus
- tawni
plague, infestation, pestilence; infest, plague
- televisi
television (broadcast system or device); televise
- teli
far, remote, distant; remotely, distantly
- tema
topic, theme, subject; be about, be regarding
- teo
god, goddess, deity, God
- terapi
therapy, treatment; treat (with therapy)
- terminal
terminal (airport, computer, etc.)
- token
token, (game) chip, counter
- tramu
tramway, tram, trolley
- trapesi
trapezium, trapezoid (two parallel sides)
- trol
troll (fantasy, internet); troll
- tufan
hurricane, typhoon, cyclone
- tukan
toucan, Ramphastidae
- umumi
general; generally, in general
- vakasi
vacation, holiday; take a vacation, go on holiday
- vegetari
vegetarian, veggie (burger, etc)
- velosi
fast, quick, rapid; quickly, rapidly
- wahyu
revelation, apocalypse
- wasabi
wasabi, Eutrema japonicum
- yakin
sure, certain; surely, certainly
- yaku
yak, Bos grunniens
- zona
zone, area, region
- zukini
zucchini, courgette, baby marrow, Cucurbita pepo
- bariton
baritone (musical range)
- baso
bass (musical range)
- furi
furry (of or related to the furry subculture)