- anima
animation, anime, cartoon; animate
- anisu
anise, Pimpinella anisum
- anjen
safe, secure; safely, securely
- antena
antenna (device), aerial
- anwi
consolation, solace; comfort, console, feel comforted, feel consoled, cheer (up)
- anxi
implication, hint; imply, allude (to), hint (at), insinuate
- ay
ouch, ah (denotes pain or fear)
- aybu
caress, stroke, pet; caress, stroke, pet
- banana
banana, dick (penis, vulgar)
- barbari
barbaric, barbarian, barbarous; barbarically
- bembi
constipation; constipate, get constipated
- bendu
tape, band, strip, strap, ribbon
- benge
excuse, pretext, justification; make excuses (for), excuse, justify (oneself)
- benji
essence (intrinsic quality)
- binan
refuge, shelter; give refuge, shelter
- bisu
compulsory, mandatory, indispensable, essential, which must be done, which must happen
- biti
bit (unit of information)
- bobo
dumb, stupid, foolish; dumbly, stupidly, foolishly
- bol
ball, testicle (sexualized)
- boloku
block (approximately cuboid or rectangular object or group), bloc
- bunman
grudge, resentment, indignation, rancor, bitterness; resent, hold a grudge (against)
- cengu
layer, floor, storey, level
- censu
mature, ripe; maturely
- centi
10^-2, one hundredth of, percent of
- ceri
cherry, ball (testicle, vulgar)
- cinon
intelligence; be intelligent, cause to be intelligent, make intelligent
- cita
cheetah, Acinonyx
- cosan
praise, compliment; praise, compliment
- coxo
mockery, ridicule, derision; mock, ridicule, deride, scoff (at), sneer (at), make fun (of)
- cudu
acquisition, gain, taking, grab; obtain, acquire, take, get, gain, grab
- cugaku
antenna (biology), feeler
- cungi
loyal, faithful, devoted; loyally, faithfully, devotedly
- cuyo
main, primary, principal, chief; mainly, primarily, chiefly, largely
- dadal
achievement, accomplishment; reach, attain, achieve, accomplish
- daju
approximate, rough; around, approximately, about, roughly
- delta
delta (letter, geography)
- dongwi
agreement, accord, deal, consent; agree (to a suggestion, etc.), consent (to)
- doyan
diverse, various; diversely, variously
- dumbu
posterior, buttocks, butt, hindquarters, heinie, bottom, pygo-
- dwan
tip, point, end, apex
- el
direct object marker (restricted use)
- enketa
survey, questionnaire, inquiry; survey, inquire
- entona
intonation, inflection; intone, inflect
- faku
fuck; fuck, shag, (have) sex (vulgar)
- fasi
fascist; fascistly
- faylu
file (collection of paper or data); file
- fremu
frame (of film, video, animation)
- fuha
load, charge, burden; load, charge, burden
- fukujun
submission; submit (to a superior force, authority, or will), yield
- fundo
struggle, strife; struggle, contend, grapple, wrestle
- ganjon
emotion, feeling, sentiment; feel (emotionally, psychologically)
- ganxopu
interference, intervention; interfere, intervene
- gao
tall, high; highly
- gas
gas; cause to turn gaseous; become gaseous
- gimu
obligatory, which should be done, which ought to be done, which should happen, which ought to happen
- ginyem
memento, keepsake, souvenir; commemorate, memorialize
- gitay
expectation, anticipation; expect, anticipate
- gixim
suspicion; suspect
- glif
glyph, (written) character, symbol, mark
- godo
excessive, too much, too many; excessively
- gol
goal (soccer, football), score, touchdown; score
- gomyo
witty, clever, sharp, astute, ingenious, slick, crafty, sly, cunning, slick, wily
- gongaw
announcement, proclamation; announce, proclaim
- gowan
testicle, testis, testes
- goyon
employment, hiring; employ, hire
- guje
fracture (become fractured or cause to fracture)
- gumbo
stick, rod, club, bar, stake
- guti
solid; solidify (cause to turn into or become solid)
- guton
pain, ache; ache, hurt (feel or cause pain)
- guxi
obsolete, archaic, outdated, old-fashioned; obsoletely, archaically, old-fashionedly
- gwaho
parenthesis, parentheses
- gwanxi
relationship; relate (to), concern, involve, have to do with
- henci
dedication; dedicate (publishing)
- hodaw
walnut, Juglans, nut (testicle, obscene)
- hunfun
excitement, arousal, stimulation, agitation; excite, arouse, stimulate, agitate, feel excited, feel aroused, feel stimulated, feel agitated
- hwanjin
environment, ambience, ambiance
- hwepi
avoidance, evasion; avoid, evade, dodge
- ikono
icon (religious, popular, computing)
- inxo
impression; impress, feel impressed
- inyo
quote, quotation, citation; quote, cite
- ixi
consciousness, awareness; make aware, make conscious; be aware, be conscious
- jaci
value, worth; be worth, have value
- jadala
braid, plait; braid, plait, weave, knit
- jaku
knave, jack (playing cards)
- jeni
suggestion, proposal, proposition; suggest, propose
- jigam
intuition, (gut) feeling, hunch; intuit, intuitively know, feel
- jinji
straight, direct; directly
- jixi
knowledge; know, know how (to)
- jogay
handicap, disability, impediment, impairment, disorder
- jojiki
tissue (biology), histo-
- jowey
surroundings, environment, vicinity
- jui
attention; pay attention (to), acknowledge
- jumbi
ready, prepared, set
- jumun
spell, incantation; bewitch, cast a spell (on)
- jundwan
interruption, disruption; interrupt, disrupt
- kamomil
chamomile, camomile, Asteraceae
- kanon
canon (literature, religion)
- kapo
cape (geography)
- karnexon
carnation, clove pink, Dianthus caryophyllus
- kasava
cassava, manioc, yuca, Manihot esculenta
- kaydan
stairs, stairway, staircase
- kihoy
opportunity, chance, occasion
- kiwi
kiwi, Apterygidae (bird)
- klixe
cliché, hackney, stereotype
- koala
koala, Phascolarctidae
- koge
palate (anatomy)
- kola
cola (drink, tree, nut)
- kolyo
consideration; consider, take into consideration, take into account
- konhwoku
confusion, perplexity, bafflement; be confused, be perplexed, be baffled, be bewildered, confuse, perplex, baffle, bewilder
- kopa
glass, tumbler, cup, mug (any drinking vessel other than bottles)
- korku
cork (material), phellem
- kraw
crow, raven, Corvus
- kuki
HTTP cookie, browser cookie, web cookie, Internet cookie, cookie (computer)
- kuku
chicken, hen, rooster, Gallus
- kwanli
administration, management; administer, manage
- kweho
merry, cheerful; merrilly, cheerfully
- label
label, tag, tab; label, tag, tab
- lankan
handrail, banister, railing
- lavenda
lavender (flower), Lavandula
- lici
lychee, litchi (fruit)
- lide
lead, leadership, direction, conduction; lead, direct, conduct
- liu
willow, sallow, osier, withy, Salix (tree)
- lotus
lotus, sacred lotus, Indian lotus, Nelumbo
- melon
melon, tit (breast, vulgar)
- meme
sheep, Ovis aries
- memori
memory, recollection; remember, recall
- mesaje
message, text (message); (send) message, (send) text
- miju
dense, concentrated; densely
- mikro
10^-6, one millionth of, micro-
- mili
10^-3, one thousandth of
- mimbay
obvious, evident, of course; obviously, evidently
- mingu
clear, evident; clearly, evidently
- minus
minus, except (for), excluding, other than, besides, but, save (for)
- mohamad
(su n)
Mohammed, Muhammad, Mohamed, Mohammad, Muhamad
- moni
checking, monitoring, examination, inspection; check, monitor, examine, inspect
- musu
elk, moose, Alces
- nongyo
agriculture, cultivation; farm, grow
- noru
roe deer, Capreolus
- nota
note; take notes, note (down)
- nun
present tense marker, now
- pam
shot, gunshot; shoot, fire
- paranoy
paranoia; be paranoid, feel paranoia; cause (somebody) to be paranoid, make (somebody) paranoid
- paypu
pipe (tube), conduit
- penli
convenient, handy, expedient, opportune; conveniently
- piko
10^-12, one trillionth of
- pilo
fatigue; tire, fatigue, feel tired, feel fatigued
- pimento
pepper (bell pepper, chili pepper)
- pimpan
frequent, often, common, regular; frequently, oftentimes, commonly, regularly
- plagu
plug, stopper, bung, cork, (electrical) plug, connector; plug, stop (up), plug (in)
- pley
playback; play (video, music, button)
- popu
pop (music, culture)
- poriji
porridge, oatmeal, gruel
- puma
cougar, mountain lion, catamount, puma
- punku
punk (genre, subculture)
- pure
puree, purée, mash, mush; puree, grind, smash
- reviu
review, critique; review, critique
- sampo
walk, stroll, promenade; take a walk, go for a walk, go on a walk, stroll
- sandan
shot (projectile), lead shot, birdshot, buckshot
- saypan
trial, (court) case, hearing; try, put on trial
- sekso
sex, sexual intercourse; have sex (with), mate (with)
- seyeku
oath, avowal; swear, vow, pledge, take an oath
- soda
soda, pop, carbonated drink
- soda
soda, pop, carbonated drink
- soho
reciprocal, reciprocally, each other
- soseji
sausage, cock (penis, obscene)
- sugu
idiom, set phrase, common saying, expression
- sungay
damage, harm, injury; damage, harm, hurt, injure, get damaged, get harmed, get hurt, get injured
- taco
ostrich, Struthionidae
- tahyo
compromise, concession, settlement, reconciliation; compromise, concede, settle, reconcile
- tair
(pneumatic) tire, tyre
- talento
talent, aptitute, knack; be talented, cause to be talented, make talented
- tamlam
greed, avarice, cupidity, covetousness; covet
- tarahon
tarragon, estragon, Artemisia dracunculus
- tarki
turkey (bird), Meleagris
- televisi
television (broadcast system or device); televise
- teli
far, remote, distant; remotely, distantly
- tema
topic, theme, subject; be about, be regarding
- tengu
vine, climber, climbing plant
- tenmun
celestial body, celestial object, astro-
- terminal
terminal (airport, computer, etc.)
- tipo
type, kind, sort, genus
- titulo
title (book, song, etc.)
- token
token, (game) chip, counter
- tosa
slaughter, massacre; slaughter, massacre
- tosta
toasting, roasting; toast, roast
- tramu
tramway, tram, trolley
- trol
troll (fantasy, internet); troll
- tufan
hurricane, typhoon, cyclone
- tyojan
challenge, dare, defiance; challenge, dare, defy, question
- ufue
(b.oro; il)
disgust, repugnance; feel disgust, be disgusted, be grossed out, (cause) disgust, gross out; ew, yuck, ugh
- wangu
monarch, king, queen; reign (over)
- wao
(b.oro; il)
amazement, awe, wonder; amaze, wow, feel amazed, feel wowed
- wasabi
wasabi, Eutrema japonicum
- wenxi
primal, primitive, primordial, proto-; primally, primitively, primordially
- xarke
shark, Selachimorpha
- xikudo
esophagus, oesophagus, gullet, weasand
- xilo
yarn, thread, string
- xinen
faith, (religious) belief, conviction
- xinloy
trust, faith, confidence; trust, rely (on), believe (in)
- xiwon
wish, desire; wish (for), desire
- xosu
few, (a) little, (a) little bit (of)
- xow
show, spectacle, performance; perform
- xucyo
demand, requirement; demand, require
- xugwan
habit; be accustomed (to), be in the habit (of), be used (to), be wont (to)
- xuha
harvest; reap, earn, gain, win
- xyuci
shame, embarrassment, humiliation; shame, embarrass, humiliate, feel shamed, feel embarrassed, feel humiliated
- yaku
yak, Bos grunniens
- yesen
wild, untamed, savage; wildly
- yobu
loin, small of back, lower back, lumbar
- yongu
use, usage, utilization, employment; use, utilize, employ
- yoran
cradle, crib; cradle, crib, rock, sway
- yukwe
pleasant, pleasing, nice; pleasantly, nicely
- yunki
courage; dare, have the courage (to, for), encourage
- yuxi
game, match (game, sports); play
- zona
zone, area, region
- zukini
zucchini, courgette, baby marrow, Cucurbita pepo
- jencatu
reconnaissance, recon, scouting; reconnoiter, reconnoitre, scout
- bariton
baritone (musical range)
- baso
bass (musical range)
- furi
furry (of or related to the furry subculture)